Joe Biggs has a history of doxxing people who disagree with him. notice that i have never posted any private information or any type of messages encouraging violence. I have only posted public post that display his homophobia, racism, and case where he incites violence. yes i have encouraged people to report his accounts because in most cases he is breaking their terms of membership.
facebook for some reason has refused to delete or deactivate both of his accounts which he constatly uses to doxx people. if you have time please take time to report his accounts posting inappropriate things using a fake name
Joe biggs payypal and venmo were deactivated but joe biggs has now moved to cash app
Joe biggs encouraged date rape and punching transgender people
Please report joe Biggs new Facebook account for using a fake name
Update: looks like Joe Biggs got suspended from facebook for promoting hate speech and JOE BIGGS got invited to the white house for the social media summit!! wtf?
Name: Joseph Biggs (Associated: Rogue Right Media, Borderland Alternative Media, Fiesta Realty Inc.) Address: 5820 Kingsfield Avenue El Paso, TX 79912 Secondary: 7508 19th Avenue Dr. W Bradenton, FL 34209 Previous: 11408 Fountaingrove Drive Charlotte, N.C. 28262 Previous: 806 Agua Caliente Drive El Paso, TX 79912 Telephone: (512) 820-0225, EMail:,,,, Relatives: Merissa Christine Singh Biggs (wife), Michael Ray Biggs, Kathy Miller Biggs, Laura Biggs, Michael Wayne Biggs, Mary Wright, David Rodriquez (associated)
I honestly never heard of Joe biggs before. it wasn't until recently that i started doing some research on the proud boys that his name keep popping up and his face seemed to be at every rally. for what i understand suspended from twitter for inciting violence against Antifa, Muslims, and minorities. However, he was finally banned for good when he called for the Death of antifa and straight up called for violence (for what i understand) He still has an instagram and a facebook page because facebook and instagram (both owned by Zuckerberg) are more open to racism, xenophobia, homophobia and calls for violence. in his facebook you can see him beg for money using paypal for his trips around the nation where he incites violence and xenophobia with his proud boy buddies
please dont forget to report his paypal link to paypal for promoting hate and promoting violence the report link should be at the lower part of this link
Here is joe biggs drinking some beers with the proud boy that made fun of children in cages

here is joe biggs doxxing people who disagree with him. so he accused them of being antifa.. Please remember to report his facebook for doxxing people
here are examples of joe biggs xenophobia and islamophobia
here is joe biggs asking for the killing of Snoop dog notice he has 1300 likes on instagram! dont forget to report his instagram for promoting hate and violence
disclaimer.. none of this is meant to accuse anyone from being a nazzzi.. this is just meant to inform and illustrate the type of person who joe biggs is
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It's deeply concerning to witness online harassment and threats from individuals like Joe Biggs and the Proud Boys. In the face of such adversity, it's crucial to prioritize personal safety and well-being. For those dealing with stress from such situations, seeking support and maintaining focus on exams is vital. Exploring online resources to exam help online - get exam help online can provide a constructive and empowering avenue to navigate challenges, ensuring a resilient approach to academic success amidst external pressures.
ReplyDeleteعند شراء أغطية مجاري الصرف الصحي، هناك عدة نصائح يجب مراعاتها لضمان اختيار المنتج المناسب. إليك بعض النصائح:
ReplyDelete1. المواد المستخدمة: تأكد من أن الأغطية مصنوعة من مواد قوية ومقاومة للتآكل، مثل الحديد الزهر أو الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، لضمان تحملها للأحمال الثقيلة والعوامل الجوية.
2. المقاس المناسب: تحقق من الأبعاد المطلوبة للأغطية وتأكد من أنها تناسب فتحات المجاري بشكل دقيق لتجنب أي مشاكل في شركات اغطية grp .
3. الوزن: اختر أغطية ذات وزن مناسب، حيث أن الأغطية الخفيفة قد تكون عرضة للسرقة أو الانزلاق، بينما الأثقل قد تكون صعبة في التركيب.
قيمة مخالفة عكس السير هي واحدة من المخالفات المرورية التي تهدد السلامة العامة وتسبب العديد من الحوادث. في هذا المقال، سنتعرف على أنواع مخالفات عكس السير التي قد يرتكبها السائقون وأثرها على المرور، بالإضافة إلى العقوبات التي يمكن أن تترتب على ذلك. من المهم فهم مخالفات عكس السير لتجنب الوقوع في مثل هذه المخالفات وضمان سلامة الجميع على الطريق.